Friday 8 April 2016

 Why is pollution running??? Half of society doesn’t even do it!!!
Polluted Urban Run-Off

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, people have increasingly congregated in urban areas. Air pollution often plagues industrialized cities, particularly this happened during the early development. Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms that are also present in the same environment. Suspended particulate matter is made up of airborne smoke, soot, dust, and liquid droplets from fuel combustion. The amount of suspended particulate matter is usually measured in micro grams per cubic meter of air. According the World Health Organization’s air quality standards, the concentration of suspended particulates should be less than 90 micro grams per cubic meter, but however in many cities this is not usually the case it is measured to be more. This high concentration of suspended particulates adversely affects human health which affects respiratory diseases and heart diseases. It is stated that worldwide, in 1995 the ill health caused by such pollution resulted in at least 500,000 premature deaths and 4-5 million new cases of chronic bronchitis. The most of these people who are at risk from air pollution are the urban dwellers. By using cleaner fossil fuels and a higher reliance on renewable sources of energy such as hydro, solar, geothermal and wind are some of the best ways to control and reduce air pollution without limiting economic growth. The fuel combustion by motor vehicles is another major source of suspended particulate emissions in the urban areas in which these emissions are detrimental to human health because the pollutants are emitted to ground level. Urbanization means increase of population in an area which they then need more materials in order to live therefore the industries have to supply their needs which therefore promotes in polluting the air more. These industrial plants releases a lot of toxic chemicals into the ocean and rivers in which results in contamination to the environment and water ways.

These pictures illustrates the pollutants from the industrial plant and the chemicals they release in the oceans and rivers on a plant located in Point

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