Friday 8 April 2016

Who turned up the heat?...I suppose Thermal pollution!!

Who turned up the heat?...I suppose Thermal pollution!!
Many would ask, “what is thermal pollution? I’ve never heard of this before.” This is because society leans towards educating the public about problems which directly affects humans. Thermal pollution is very real and plagues most urban cities due to the presence of industries. Since the expansion of the industrial sector, most companies use lakes and river to cool down their machineries and this is the number one cause of thermal pollution. There are also other important factors which can lead to this pollution such as soil erosion, natural causes like volcanoes and even runoff from flat surfaces. Thermal pollution is mainly the situation where water temperature has increased significantly and introduced in a setting with a lower temperature[1]. The effects of this rise in water temperature have severe impacts on organisms which live in these settings. Natural ecosystems are ruined and migration or even death may take place. This is a situation that has to be payed close attention to as much of the industrial plants and companies should reduce their emissions of high temperature water and cool it down before it is released back into river and streams.

Some companies in the Point Lises area emit their waste water, full of contaminants and of high temperatures, back into nearby rivers and lakes. This was taken to show how dirty the water is and how no life can thrive in this settin


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