Friday 8 April 2016

Excessive cars, traffic and smog….Our clean air is being contaminated!!!!

Excessive cars, traffic and smog….Our clean air is being contaminated!!!!

There are many types of pollution which can be evident everyday as we pass along our normal routes, but we are blind towards it due to the fact that it has become a part of the norm in society. On our everyday commutes, whether it may be from our homes to places of work or school, pollution is seen everywhere. As simple as the vehicles on the roads that we use, they cause much air pollution which we are blind sighted to due to the convenience they provide us with.  Air pollution caused by vehicles can be said to be primary pollutants being emitted, but they do however cause reactions with the natural air and become secondary pollutants. These can cause adverse effects on human health e.g. respiratory illnesses, as well as on the environment by acid rain[1]. Personally, changes were made in order to reduce air pollution through vehicular usage in the household by carpooling. This in fact makes a difference but in a very insignificant way. However, if many persons in society thought about carpooling with friends and family, this would reduce air pollution in a major way. The first and last photos in the collage below depict the traffic congestion situation which plagues the urban roadways in Trinidad. This can be reduced only if carpooling was enforced as a side effect of an educated population. The picture in the middle shows how dirty the emissions of some vehicles are and clean air is horribly contaminated. There are lots of ways in which air pollution can be reduced and it all starts with YOU!

Figure 1: Picture taken on the highway to Trincity mall, to show smog emitted from the vehicle causing air pollution, making it hard to breathe in fresh air. It also shows the amount of vehicles piling up, causing traffic.


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