Friday 8 April 2016

Land Pollution In Relation To Urbanization
Don’t Mess with the Street People!!!
Industrialization and urbanization reinforced each other and urban areas became increasingly congested. Urbanization and industrialization are major causes of land pollution. With industrialization came urbanization. The increasing factory businesses created many more job opportunities in the cities. Preventing pollution in urban area to reduce both its dependence on pollutants it produces, and to properly recycle or dispose of pollutants. Preventing pollution in urban areas is often largely a public relations task. People need to be educated about proper ways to dispose of waste. Regulations are often necessary to reduce the amount of pollutants contaminating our environment.  Urban activities generate large amount of city wastes including several biodegradable materials and many non-biodegradable materials. These wastes can cause clogging of the drains around the environment which can cause serious drainage problems that can lead to health problems. These solid wastes have seriously damaged the normal movement of water thus creating problem of inundation, damage to the building foundations and as well public health hazards. This then produces foul smell within the environment. The underground soil within the cities is also likely to be polluted. Every single day there are tons and tons of domestic waste is thrown into the streets by people. This same wastes that we throw into the streets can eventually end up in our water ways and this can get into our systems and we can get sick due to this.

These pictures illustrates pollution in the streets of Maraval which have been done by persons in society.

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