Friday 8 April 2016

Maybe the saying should be “DUST till Dawn”…

                  Maybe the saying should be “DUST till Dawn”…

The picture shows the clouds of dust draping over the vegetation around the Trinidad Cement Limited in Claxton Bay.

It was very disheartening to see the tons of layers of dust sitting on the vegetation surrounding the Trinidad Cement Limited.  It was a mound of falling tiny particles which caused allergic reactions to manifest. This cement company tried to use a trapping mechanism by surrounding it with plants and trees to catch the dust. This mechanism however has been detrimental to the life of the vegetation and as seen in the picture, they have been mostly suffocated and they are no longer lush and green. Dust pollution is evident and has adverse effects on the environment. This urban setting is very harmful to any living creature. It was very alarming to see houses surrounding this company since there is so much pollution taking place and is being carried around from place to place by the wind. The smaller the dust particles, is the larger amount of harm done to the organism which breathes it in. These tiny particles are able to penetrate deeper into the mouth, lungs and throat which can cause disruptions in DNA sequences[1]. As a result, respiratory illnesses and interruptions in brain and nervous system activities can be experience. This is detrimental to babies and animals since higher concentrations are found on the ground level. It is very important therefore to stay away from dust pollution and greater importance for companies to try harder at keeping the dust at a minimal. A great way to reduce the effects of dust pollution is by wearing a respirator whenever in the vicinity of dust particles that are in abundance.

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